Liposuction removes fat to reduce and reshape the outline of different areas of the body. I have done more than 510 such procedures. Good results depend on elastic skin which recoils to take up the new contour. Loose inelastic skin is unsuitable as the area emptied of fat will form loose folds. You should be close to your correct body weight as liposuction is for reshaping and not for weight loss. Fat is removed from deep under the skin through very small access incisions. A narrow metal cannula is moved through the fat to break it up. The fat then passes out along tubing connected to a high vacuum suction machine. It works very well in experienced hands with good judgment. It reduces fullness and bulges, visibly changing body contours and gives the confidence to wear slimmer fitted clothing. Examples in different areas are shown in the Gallery.
Liposuction is done on it’s own when skin recoil is good. It is also routinely used as a part of other procedures in which loose skin, which is not elastic, is removed as well. Examples are upper arm reduction, inner thigh reduction, removal of underarm breast fat, tummy tuck and facelift. You can read about these in the section for each procedure.
Standing in front of a full-length mirror will show what you want to correct. Areas which produce good results after liposuction are drawn on the skin to show what can be changed. Photos are compared with previous results to give you a good idea of your predicted outcome. Areas which are unsuitable are avoided.
The commonest zones are the inner thigh and outer thigh (saddlebag). The aim is to ‘widen the gap’ at the top, give the appearance of longer thighs and correct a ‘pear shape’ torso. Smoothing out a bulky inner knee adds to this appearance. Removing bulk around the knee cap improves the look in a short skirt and removing fat further down at the calf and ankle produces a more elegant and less stocky appearance. Fat removal must be very precise. Small cannula size and reduced suction pressure allows the areas to be shaped to the correct contour.
Liposuction at the upper hip (‘love handle’) reduces width and will emphasise the waist. The tummy is only treated if the skin tone is good. The area at the side of the chest and at the back can be reduced where it protrudes above and below a bra. Bulk can also be reduced at the front of the armpit and the back of the upper arm. At the very top of the back a buffalo hump can be removed.
In men, the chest is the most popular area where fat and male breast tissue cause severe embarrassment. The tummy and the flank above trousers at the side can also be improved.
The areas to be treated are first outlined with marker pen. Zones to be avoided are also indicated and photos are taken. I perform liposuction under general anaesthetic. This is safe and allows effective treatment without the risks of large doses of local anaesthetic. Small incisions between 4-6mm are made in the least visible locations at the edge of each area to be treated. A salt solution with dilute adrenalin is injected making the area firm and the liposuction more effective and controllable. The adrenalin stops bleeding so reducing swelling, pain and bruising. Liposuction involves passing a thin metal cannula back and forth from different directions through the small incisions. Fat is broken up by the cannula and taken away along a tube by strong suction. The treated areas are revisited incrementally, removing fat until the best result is achieved. The tiny ‘access’ incisions are left open. Fluid from the areas can flow out reducing swelling and bruising.
Soreness after liposuction doesn’t last long but then there’s a lingering discomfort. Expect blood stained fluid to weep from the incisions. This reduces swelling and bruising. You will see your result straight away. Compression garments are popular after liposuction. They can provide comfort and support but ultimately do not change the outcome. They are also sometimes a bit awkward, ill fitting, and get dirty quickly. My simple approach is to use inexpensive support tights and stretchy lycra sports garments which are easier and cheaper. You need one or two weeks to recover. There’s a check at 2 weeks and a follow up appointment at 8 weeks.
Look at photographs of typical results for this procedure