Inner Thigh Reduction
Loose skin on the inner thigh is usually the consequence of major weight loss. It is only seen in shorts or swimwear but also restricts the wearing of shorter skirts and slim fitting trousers. Removing the excess skin and fat to tighten the thigh is effective and leaves a vertical scar line which is obscured by it’s location on the inner surface of the thigh towards the back. The scar cannot be seen from the front or the back when standing. The line is only partly visible when the leg is lifted and turned outwards. It’s appearance will be a factor in deciding whether you go ahead with this operation. Thigh reduction surgery is usually the ‘last on the list’ after other procedures such as a tummy tuck or breast uplift which take higher priority because of their greater impact on life.
The amount of loose skin on the inner thigh is assessed when standing. Each leg is turned outwards and a line is drawn on the inner thigh from a point at the top far back in the groin crease down to a point at the back of the inner knee. The pen is then held still on this line and the skin is pulled forwards and backwards to mark lines which show the limits of the skin which can be removed. You can see this in the Gallery. The areas are photographed and compared with the results of previous patients s see your predicted outcome, the location of the scar line and it’s appearance.
Surgery is performed under general anaesthetic and takes about 3 hours. A saline solution containing adrenalin is injected into the area to reduce bleeding. Liposuction is performed to remove as much fat as possible under the skin to be taken away. Fat is also taken from the groin area and the inner knee to keep this in proportion to the thigh above.
The ellipse shaped area of skin excess is then excised starting at the crease in the groin progressing down to the knee making the skin of the thigh as tight as possible. The scar line is closed with dissolving stitches and long acting local anaesthetic is injected so that there is no pain when you wake up. I use simple light dressings preferring the area to be unobscured and kept clean with regular showers.
The scar line takes 2 weeks to heal. Rest at home and ensure that domestic tasks are taken care of. Wear loose clothing and shower regularly to keep the area clean. There is a check on your progress at 2 weeks and a follow up appointment at 8 weeks. The scar is initially pink but is not obvious when it fades.
Look at photographs of typical results for this procedure