Breast Reduction
I have done more than 550 Breast Reduction operations. It is a life changer. A large low bust causes back pain, soreness and embarrassment. Many who have this surgery wish they had done it years ago. It improves many aspects of life from clothing, activity and personal relationships. A breast reduction is similar to a breast uplift but excess breast tissue is taken away as well. Breast tissue is removed from around the nipple so sensation might be reduced and breast feeding is not possible. The scar line is a circle around the nipple, down to the crease under the breast and then along this fold. Taking the right amount of breast tissue and skin from the correct areas will create maximum lift and make an attractive shape without distortion or bad scars. Typical results are shown in the Gallery.
The consultation will determine whether the bust size you want to be is achievable. It depends on your current size, how low down it is and ‘how much’ needs to be removed. Lines are drawn on the breast as if planning surgery and measurements made of the current nipple position and it’s predicted new location. The crease level is marked and the amount of skin to be removed. The nipple/areola is usually reduced in size. Photographs are compared with previous patients so you can see the likely result and make an informed decision about surgery. You can see photos of this in the Gallery. Judgement is also made of the skin quality and whether it will it hold the reduced, lifted breast in place.
If your bust is extremely large then it might be necessary to adjust the operation and move the nipple up by taking it off and replacing it as a ‘graft’. This would be explained in more detail. If you have concerns about breast cancer then a mammogram before the operation will reassure you.
Lines are drawn on the breast showing the amount of skin to be removed and the new nipple position. The procedure is done in the sitting position. Skin and breast tissue is removed from below and around the nipple. The nipple is moved up and the breast lifted as the skin is brought tight. The nipple/areola is usually also reduced in size. I ensure that the surgery produces the best result possible and photograph this at the end of the operation. Local anaesthetic is injected so it‘s not painful after surgery. The dressing is removed the next morning and you will shower straight away.
In the 3 week recovery period you must limit all activity. I have a minimal approach to dressings preferring everything to be visible, easy to manage and kept clean with daily showers. There will be contact for advice and a return visit at 14 days. Healing problems are quite normal at the join line under the breast about 3 weeks after surgery. This is a consequence of the skin tightening needed in surgery. There will be nursing support in this event and it will not change the result. Light clothing is best in the initial recovery. Special bras are not needed. After the stitch lines have healed a crop top or stretchy sports top is simple and convenient.
The Result
Photographs are taken before and at the end of your procedure showing the best that can be achieved. The final outcome will be a little lower than immediately after the operation and this depends on the strength and resilience of your skin. In the consultation you will be shown typical results a few months after surgery so you know what to expect.
If your skin is extremely loose and inelastic it may not hold up and the perfect result achieved during surgery slowly drops. If this is likely then I warn that revision (repeat) surgery might be needed. This revision surgery will incur further cost which varies between hospitals and may influence your choice of location.
Look at photographs of typical results for this procedure