Breast Augmentation


I have done more than 2900 Breast Augmentation operations. A significant part of my work is correcting bad results produced elsewhere. You can look at this in the section on ‘Replacement of Breast Implants’. This experience has helped me develop a strategy to prevent problems, reduce risk and produce attractive natural results first time.

Get it right first time

There are bad results to avoid. Overlarge round implants look unnatural and will drop down with time. Others have implants placed too high and far apart. Later on, hard scar tissue capsules around the implants can cause distortion and discomfort. Mistakes are also made if the skin is loose and the breast is low. An implant neither tightens loose skin nor lifts the breast. With correct assessment, careful implant selection and skilled surgery these problems are avoided. 

The Consultation Process 

The consultation will show if your breast shape will produce a good result. Measurements and simple observations are made and photographs of your breasts and body proportions are viewed. Photos of previous patients of similar build will reinforce this predicted outcome.

Measurement around the chest indicates chest size. The distance from the top of the breastbone to the nipple shows it’s level on the chest and the distance from the nipple to the crease underneath shows any loose skin. The level of the crease under the breast shows the future breast position and any difference from side to side will predict asymmetry. The width measurement across the breast will determine the choice of implant size. Photos of you can then be matched with past results to guide your choice. 

The Implant

Experience has driven me to the use a particular implant. Results are excellent and enduring in the long term. To find out about the implants I use click here.

The ‘look’ is chosen by selecting implant shape, volume, width, and projection. The most attractive breast is produced by an implant which is shaped like a breast called ‘anatomical’. The results are natural with fullness at the top but without being false.

Implant ‘width’ is important. Wider can improve the cleavage and ‘close the gap’ if needed. Narrower is used when the cleavage and width is adequate but projection is required.

The ‘projection’ of the implant can be adjusted to give either a ‘calm’ or a ‘full’ quality to the result. It’s a very personal choice.

The ‘size’ is produced by the volume of the implant plus what you start with. You will choose the implant size so that you are in control of your result. 

The ‘feel’ will be the consistency of the implant. Called ‘cohesive’ it is firm and won’t distort or ripple.

The ‘longevity’ of the result is ensured as the implant of choice stays where it’s placed.

The skill then is in the correct implant placement during surgery and the technique used. 


The incision is made in the predicted crease under the breast to keep it hidden. A pocket is made under the breast and the pectoral muscle in which the implant is placed. For maximum projection the lower edge of pectoral muscle is released so that the implant is not compressed (‘dual plane technique’). An attractive cleavage is produced by placing the implant inwards in the space under the muscle up to it’s inner edge. This is precisely adjusted in the sitting position to achieve the best appearance. As the type of implant I use stays in position the result is controllable and predictable.  


You will need a week away from work. Your breasts will be very firm to start with and gradually soften. Tape is placed on the scar line and changed once a week. There’s no heavy lifting for two weeks and no jogging or high impact exercise until the appointment at 8 weeks. There’s no need to wear special bras or supports. A crop top or stretchy sports top from about 10 days is simple and easy.


Look at photographs of typical results for this procedure 


Ear and Earlobe Correction


Breast Uplift - Mastopexy